Mark Kelsall
Founder / Managing Director / Designer
Mark founded Pyrotex Fireworx back in 1999. After several years learning the trade with other companies and his background being a DJ, Mark’s technical ability in pyrotechnics and music were the perfect match. Pyrotex got invited to compete in Southport 2010 and 2011, winning both years running and Mark started to get recognised for his high technical ability and design skills.
Now with over 35 years in the industry, he has pushed Pyrotex to be the UK’s most awarded display company, competing around the world and winning numerous awards. Mark is always looking at new and imaginative ways to push the business forward and always strives to give the best firework experience that you will ever see.

Q&A With Mark
I have loved fireworks from a young age, especially doing my own displays in my parents back garden. I then started working for a firework company when I was 16 as a firer. I loved it so much I decided to set up my own fireworks business in 1999 and ive never looked back since.
I work full time at Pyrotex Fireworx. But on the odd occasion I do get a day off from the business, I like spending time with my faimily and entertaining friends in the garden with a BBQ, beers and a good old firework selection box 🙂
The strangest thing ive ever done was while the Pyrotex Team and I was in Veitnam in 2017, we went out to the local bar for a few drinks with the Austrailia and Italian Team the night before the Final Competition Displays. The Austrailia team got the three Team leaders together and wished both the teams good luck and introduced us all to the Shoey. A Shoey for those who dont know, is an Australian traddition of drinking from a shoe as a bringer of good fortune.
its got to be PIPC 2016. It was our first experience of firing an international competition display in the Phillipines and it was the largest display we had done as a company. While over there, we met some great people and made lots of new friends too! we also ended up winning the competition which was truly magical.
Wonderful of course 🙂 fireworks have given me many great opportunities to travel the world and showcase what Pyrotex can do as a company. I have also met some fantastic people on the way and made some great lifelong friends too. I wouldnt change it for the world.
I am always the first one on site in the morning and the last one to leave at night. I always work hard and manage the team around me to get the most production out of each day on site. I also know that there is an ice cold bucket of San Miguel Light waiting for me at the local bar at the end of the day to keep me going when things get tough!